Clopton Parish Church, 30th October
Oh what a night! Thank you to everyone who came to sing at Clopton Church last night,( "it was just like old times") and incredible to all be back singing together indoors in one of our favourite Churches and the collective sound we made was magical. Thank you and congratulations to all our new members who performed in their first concert with us; the debutants were really thrown in at the deep end but they all rose to the challenge magnificently! Thank you also to our soloists, Matt, Katie, Leony and Toni who always fill us with awe as they get up and sing so brilliantly with 30 seconds' notice! Special thanks to Dennis, who rushed away early from the Saints game to set up the sound system for us we could not exist without his hard work on the balance of the sound and as ever he got it just right last night.